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cup plant

  • 1 cup plant

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cup plant

  • 2 cup plant

    English-russian biological dictionary > cup plant

  • 3 plant

    plant 1. растение; расти; 2. установка, оборудование; 3. сажать; засевать, сеять
    plant pests вредители растений
    abstract plant растение с признаком определённого таксона
    accent plant растение с хорошо определившейся декоративной формой
    accumulator plant растение с повышенной способностью аккумуляции
    acidophilous plant ацидофил
    adornment plant декоративное растение
    adventitous plant адвентивное растение
    aerial plant эпифит, надземное растение
    alpigenous plant растение альпийского происхождения
    amphibious plant земноводное растение
    annual plant однолетник, однолетнее растение
    aquatic plant водное растение
    artillery plant пилея мелколистная, Pilea microphylla
    autochorous plant автохор
    autotrophic plant автотрофное растение
    basiphilous plant базифил
    bastard sensitive plant копеечник виргинский, Hedysarum virginicum
    bee plant медонос
    beef-steak plant перилла многолетняя, Perilla frutescens
    berry plant ягодное растение
    binding plant растение, закрепляющее почву
    blue plant кунжут, сезам, Sesamum indicum
    bulbotuberiferous plant клубнелуковичное растение
    burr plant корнеотпрысковое растение
    calciphilous plant кальцефил
    calciphobous plant кальцефоб
    candle plant крестовник членистый, Senecio articulatus
    carnivorous plant хищное растение
    carpet plant ковровое растение
    carpostrate plant растение, расселяющееся при помощи плодов
    castor-oil plant клещевина обыкновенная, Ricinus communis
    century plant столетник, агава американская, Agave americana
    chalicad plant растение подвижного гравия
    chalk plant качим, Gypsophila
    character plant типичное растение (для сообщества)
    chasmophilous plant хазмофит (растение, растущее в трещинах скал)
    chimochlorous plant растение с листьями, сохраняющимися зимой
    chiropterophilous plant хироптерофил (растение, опыляемое летучими мышами)
    chlorophyll-containing plant хлорофиллоносное растение
    climbing plant лазящее растение
    clinging plant цепляющееся растение
    compass plant 1. компасное растение; 2. сильфия дольчатая, Silphium laciniatum
    cooling plant холодильная установка
    coral plant ятрофа ветвистая, Jatropha multifida
    corkscrew plant скрученник изящный, Spiranthes gracilis
    cotton plant хлопчатник, Gossypium
    cover plant покровное растение
    creeping plant ползущее растение
    crop plant завод по переработке зерна
    crystallization plant установка для кристаллизации
    culm plant растение с соломинообразным стеблем
    cultivated plant культурное растение
    cup plant сильфиум пронзённолистный, Silphium perfoliatum
    cushion plant растение-подушка
    day-neutral plant растение нормального дня
    decontamination plant очистительная установка
    deep-rooted plant глубокоукореняющееся растение
    demonstration plant демонстрационная промышленная установка
    deserving plant перспективное растение
    dew plant росянка круглолистная, Drosera rotundifolia
    diageic plant растение с подземными побегами
    dicotyledonous plant двудольное растение
    disease-resistant plant иммунное растение
    disposal plant завод по переработке отходов
    distillation plant установка для перегонки
    drought-enduring plant засуховыносливое растение
    drought-escaping plant растение влажных местообитаний
    drought-evading plant растение влажных местообитаний
    drug plant лекарственное растение
    drying plant сушильная установка
    dye plant красильное растение
    earth plant геофит
    emergent plant полупогружённое растение
    entomophilous plant энтомофильное растение, насекомоопыляемое растение
    equinoctial plant растение, открывающее цветки в определённые часы суток
    essential oil plant эфиромасличное растение
    etiolated plant этиолированное растение
    eurythermic plant эвритерм
    eutrophic plant эвтроф
    eutytopic plant эвривалент, эвритопное растение
    evaporation plant установка для выпаривания
    fastidious plant прихотливое растение
    fever plant 1. пэдерия лазящая, Paederia scandens ; 2. базилик зелёный, Octimum viride
    fiber plant прядильное растение
    fitroot plant вертляница одноцветковая, Monotropa uniflora
    flowering plant цветущее растение
    food plant пищевое растение
    forage plant кормовое растение
    fossil plant ископаемое растение
    freshwater plant пресноводное растение
    frog plant очиток трёхлистный, Sedum triphyllum
    fruit-bearing plant плодоносящее растение
    gamostaminate plant спайнотычинковое растение
    gas plant ясенец, Dictamnus
    germ plant проросток
    ginger plant 1. имбирь, Zingiber officinale ; 2. пижма обыкновенная, Tanacetum vulgare
    gopher plant молочай чиновидный, молочай масличный, Euphorbia lathyrus
    gum plant гринделия исполинская, Grindelia robusta
    gutta-percha plant гуттаперченос
    half-awned plant полуостистое растение
    hay plant юган, прангос кормовой, Prangos pabularia
    hemichimonophilous plant растение, вырастающее над поверхностью почвы при морозе
    herbaceous plant травянистое растение
    heterotrophic plant гетеротроф
    higher plant высшее растение
    honey plant медонос
    hoopkoop plant леспедеца прилистниковая, Lespedeza striata
    host plant растение-хозяин
    house plant домашнее растение
    humble plant гумусное растение, гумусообразующее растение
    hydrocarpic plant водное растение с цветками, уходящими под воду после опыления
    hydrolysis plant гидролизный завод
    hypsophilous plant гипсофил
    ice plant хрустальная травка, мезембриантемум хрустальный, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
    indicator plant растение-индикатор
    inedible plant несъедобное растение
    insectivorous plant насекомоядное растение
    land plant наземное растение
    lead plant аморфа беловато-серая, Amorpha canescens
    leggy plant растение со слабо развитой листвой и сильно развитым стеблем
    long-day plant растение длинного дня
    lower plant низшее растение
    macrophytic plants макрофлора
    maternal plant материнское растение
    matrimony plant лунник однолетний, Lunaria annua
    medicinal plant лекарственное растение
    megatrophic plant мегатроф
    mesotrophic plant мезотрофное растение (среднебогатых почв)
    milkweed plant растение, выделяющее млечный сок
    mole plant молочай чиновидный, молочай масличный, Euphorbia lathyrus
    money plant лунник однолетний, Lunaria annua
    monocotyledonous plant однодольное растение
    monoecious plant однодомное растение
    mosquito plant базилик зелёный, Octimum viride
    moss plant гарриманелла моховидная, Harrimanella hypnoides
    multiactivity plant многоотраслевое целевое предприятие
    multiple-headed plant многокорзиночное растение
    musk plant 1. просвирник мускусный ( Malva moschata) ; 2. губастик мускусный, Mimulus moschatus
    mycotrophic plant микотроф
    myrmecochorous plant мирмекохор (растение, расселяемое муравьями)
    myrmecotrophic plant растение, питающее муравьёв
    myrmecoxenous plant растение, дающее убежище и пищу муравьям
    mysterious plant волчеягодник обыкновенный, волчье лыко, Daphe mezereum
    needless plant бесполезное растение, ненужное растение
    nitrogen-loving plant нитрофил
    nitrophilous plant нитрофил
    noxious plant ядовитое растение, вредное растение
    nut plant орехоплодное растение
    obedient plant змееголовник, Dracocephalum
    oil plant 1. масличное растение; 2. клещевина обыкновенная, Ricinus communis
    oligopetric plant растение, растущее на бедных почвой скалах
    oligoplammic plant растение доломитных и гранитных почв
    oligorhizous plant растение с небольшим числом корней
    omum plant тмин, Carum
    ornitophilous plant орнитофил (растение, опыляемое птицами)
    overwintering plant зимующее растение
    oyster plant 1. мертензия приморская, Mertensia maritima ; 2. козлобородник овсяной корень, Tragopogon porrifolium ; 3. сколимус, Scolymus
    papolionaceous plants мотыльковые растения ( Papilionaceae)
    paradise plant волчеягодник обыкновенный, волчье лыко, Daphe mezereum
    parent plant родительское растение, исходное растение
    pearl plant воробейник полевой, Lithospermum arvense; воробейник лекарственный, Lithospermum officinale
    pepper plant горец, Polygonum
    perennial plant многолетник, многолетнее растение
    phanerogamic plant явнобрачное растение
    pilot plant опытная полупромышленная установка
    pilot plant опытный завод
    pioneer plant растение-пионер
    pipe plant вертляница одноцветковая, Monotropa uniflora
    pistillate plant женское растение
    pitcher plant саррацения, Sarracenia
    podded plant бобовое растение
    poikilophydric plant пойкилогидрическое растение
    polar plant сильфия дольчатая, Silphium laciniatum
    poverty plant худзония войлочная, Hudsonia tomentosa
    prometatropic plant растение с обязательным перекрёстным опылением
    prostrate plant стелющееся растение
    pyramid plant фразера каролинская, Frasera carolinensis
    red-ink plant фитолакка американская, Phytolacca americana
    resurrection plant плаун скальный, Lycopodium rupestris
    rhizome plant корневищное растение
    rice-paper plant тетрапанакс, Tetrapanax; Tetrapanax papyroferus
    roadside growing plant придорожное растение
    rock plant очиток едкий, Sedum acre
    rod-shaped plant прутьевидное растение
    Roman plant 1. марь цельнолистная, Chenopodium bonus-henricus ; 2. миррис душистая, Myrrhis odorata
    root sucker plant корнеотпрысковое растение
    rosette plant розеточное растение
    rosin plant сильфия терпентинная, Silphium terebinthinaceum
    rouge plant ривина, Rivina
    rubber plant 1. каучуконос; 2. фикус каучуконосный, Ficus elastica
    rupicolous plant скальное растение
    salt marsh plant галофит
    salt-sensitive plant солечувствительное растение
    salt-tolerant plant солевыносливое растение
    sand-binding plant пескоукрепляющее растение
    sandpaper plant петалоникс, Petalonyx
    saxicolous plant скальное растение
    sclerophyllous plant жестколистное растение, склерофил
    scrofula plant норичник приморский, Scrophularia marilandica
    seed (-bearing) plant семенное растение, семенник
    sensitive plant мимоза стыдливая, Mimosa pudica
    shade-enduring plant теневыносливое растение
    short-day plant растение короткого дня
    shrunken plant неразвившееся растение; истощённое растение; захваченное жарой растение, запалённое растение
    siliciphilous plant кремнефил
    silk plant подорожник Ругеля, Plantago rugelii
    skeet plant борщевик обыкновенный, Heracleum spondyulium
    skeleton plant лигодесмия, Lygodesmia
    slipper plant 1. педилантус, Pedilanthus ; 2. кальцеолярия, Calceolaria
    smallpox plant ваточник проломниколистный, Apocynum androsaemifolium
    snow plant саркодес кроваво-красный, Sarcodes sanguinea
    soap plant хлорогалюм, Chlorogalum
    social plants растения, растущие группами
    solute plant неприживающееся растение, неукореняющееся растение
    spice plant пряное растение
    spider plant клеоме, паучник, Cleome
    spore-bearing plant споровое растение; спорообразующее растение
    staminate plant мужское растение
    stenocoenose plant растение, ограниченное в своём распространении
    stenothermic plant стенотермное растение
    stenotrophic plant стенотроф
    steppe plant степное растение
    stiff-leaved plant жестколистное растение
    stove plant тепличное растение
    submaritime plant растение морских побережий, встречающееся и внутри страны
    succulent plant суккулент
    sugar plant сахаронос
    summer plant яровое растение
    sun plant 1. светолюбивое растение; 2. портулак крупноцветный, Portulaca grandiflora
    surface plant хамефит
    switch plant растение с филлокладиями
    sylvestral plant лесное растение
    symbiotrophic plant симбиотрофное растение
    tachysporous plant растение с быстрым рассеиванием семян или спор
    tall aerial plant фанерофит
    tanniferous plant дубильное растение
    tea plant 1. калина Лентаго, канадская гордовина, Viburnum lentago ; 2. чай китайский, Thea sinensis
    telegraph plant десмодиум, Desmodium
    tendril-clember plant растение, цепляющееся усиками
    terrestrial plant наземное растение
    test plant подопытное растение
    textile plant прядильное растение
    thunder plant молодило кровельное, Sempervivum tectorum
    tortoise plant тестудинария, Testudinaria
    trailer plant стелющееся растение
    trap plant ловчее растение
    tuberous plant клубневое растение
    turf-forming plant дернообразующее растение
    umbrella plant сыть длинная, Cyperus clungus; сыть очередноцветная, Cyperus alterniflorum
    undesirable plant сорное растение
    unicorn plant 1. ибицелла, Ibicella ; 2. мартиния, Martynia
    vanilla plant лиатрис пахучая, Liatris odoratissima
    vascular plant сосудистое растение
    velvet plant 1. коровяк обыкновенный, медвежье ухо, Verbascum thapsus ; 2. гинура, Gynura
    warmhouse plant тепличное растение
    water plant водное растение
    water-indicating plant растение-гидроиндикатор
    wax plant восковое дерево, Hoya carnosa
    wild plant дикорастущее растение
    winter plant озимое растение
    wishbone plant мирабилис прямостоячий, Mirabilis retrorsa
    woody plant древесное растение
    zoophobous plant растение, защищающееся различными способами от животных

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > plant

  • 4 plant

    1) растение; расти
    2) сажать; засевать, сеять
    3) установка, оборудование
    - abstract plant
    - accent plant
    - accumulator plant
    - adornment plant
    - adventitious plant
    - aerial plant
    - alpigenous plant
    - amphibious plant
    - annual plant
    - aquatic plant
    - aromatic plant
    - artillery plant
    - autochorous plant
    - autotrophic plant
    - basiphilous plant
    - bastard sensitive plant
    - bee plant
    - beef-steak plant
    - berry plant
    - binding plant
    - blue plant
    - bulbotuberiferous plant
    - burr plant
    - C3 pathway plant
    - C3 plant
    - C4 pathway plant
    - C4 plant
    - calciphilous plant
    - calciphobous plant
    - CAM plant
    - candle plant
    - carnivorous plant
    - carpet plant
    - carpostrate plant
    - castor-oil plant
    - century plant
    - chalicad plant
    - chalk plant
    - character plant
    - chasmophilous plant
    - chemozoophobic plant
    - chimochlorous plant
    - Chinese silk plant
    - chiropterophilous plant
    - chlorophyll-containing plant
    - climbing plant
    - clinging plant
    - compass plant
    - coral plant
    - corkscrew plant
    - cotton plant
    - cover plant
    - creeping plant
    - culm plant
    - cultivated plant
    - cup plant
    - cushion plant
    - day-neutral plant
    - deep-rooted plant
    - deserving plant
    - dew plant
    - diageic plant
    - dicotyledonous plant
    - disease-resistant plant
    - drought-enduring plant
    - drought-escaping plant
    - drought-evading plant
    - drug plant
    - dye plant
    - earth plant
    - edible plant
    - emergent plant
    - entomophilous plant
    - equinoctial plant
    - essential oil plant
    - etiolated plant
    - eurythermic plant
    - eurytopic plant
    - eutrophic plant
    - fastidious plant
    - fever plant
    - fiber plant
    - fitroot plant
    - flowering plant
    - food plant
    - forage plant
    - fossil plant
    - fragrant plant
    - freshwater plant
    - frog plant
    - fruit-bearing plant
    - gamostaminate plant
    - gas plant
    - ginger plant
    - gopher plant
    - graminifolious plant
    - grass-cloth plant
    - gum plant
    - gutta-percha plant
    - gypsophilous plant
    - half-awned plant
    - hay plant
    - herbaceous plant
    - heterotrophic plant
    - higher plant
    - honey plant
    - hopkoop plant
    - host plant
    - house plant
    - humble plant
    - humus plant
    - hydrocarpic plant
    - hydrophytic plant
    - ice plant
    - indicator plant
    - inferior plant
    - insectivorous plant
    - land plant
    - lead plant
    - leggy plant
    - long-day plant
    - lower plant
    - lowered alpine plants
    - macrophytic plants
    - maternal plant
    - matrimony plant
    - medicinal plant
    - megatrophic plant
    - meliferous plant
    - mesotrophic plant
    - milkweed plant
    - mole plant
    - money plant
    - monocotyledonous plant
    - monoecious plant
    - mosquito plant
    - moss plant
    - multiple-headed plant
    - musk plant
    - mycotrophic plant
    - myrmecochorous plant
    - myrmecotrophic plant
    - myrmecoxenous plant
    - mysterious plant
    - needless plant
    - nitrogen-loving plant
    - nitrophilous plant
    - noxious plant
    - nut plant
    - obedient plant
    - oil plant
    - oligopetric plant
    - oligopsammic plant
    - oligorhizous plant
    - omum plant
    - ornamental plant
    - ornitophilous plant
    - overwintering plant
    - oyster plant
    - papilionaceous plants
    - paradise plant
    - parent plant
    - pearl plant
    - pepper plant
    - perennial plant
    - phanerogamic plant
    - pilot plant
    - pioneer plant
    - pipe plant
    - pistillate plant
    - pitcher plant
    - podded plant
    - poikilohydric plant
    - polar plant
    - polster plant
    - poverty plant
    - prometatropic plant
    - prostrate plant
    - pulse plant
    - purification plant
    - pyramid plant
    - red-ink plant
    - resurrection plant
    - rhizome plant
    - rice-paper plant
    - roadside-growing plant
    - rock plant
    - rod-shaped plant
    - Roman plant
    - root-sucker plant
    - rosette plant
    - rosin plant
    - rouge plant
    - rubber plant
    - rupicolous plant
    - salt marsh plant
    - salt-sensitive plant
    - salt-tolerant plant
    - sand-binding plant
    - sandpaper plant
    - saxicolous plant
    - sclerophyllous plant
    - scrofula plant
    - seed plant
    - seed-bearing plant
    - sensitive plant
    - shade-enduring plant
    - shade-requiring plant
    - short-day plant
    - shrunken plant
    - siliciphilous plant
    - silk plant
    - skeet plant
    - skeleton plant
    - slipper plant
    - smallpox plant
    - smallseeded plant
    - snow plant
    - snow-favored plant
    - social plants
    - solute plant
    - spice plant
    - spider plant
    - spore-bearing plant
    - staminate plant
    - stenocoenose plant
    - stenothermic plant
    - stenotrophic plant
    - stiff-leaved plant
    - stove plant
    - submaritime plant
    - succulent plant
    - sugar plant
    - summer plant
    - sun plant
    - surface plant
    - switch plant
    - sylvestral plant
    - symbiotrophic plant
    - tachysporous plant
    - tall aerial plant
    - tanniferous plant
    - tea plant
    - telegraph plant
    - tendril-climber plant
    - terrestrial plant
    - test plant
    - textile plant
    - thunder plant
    - tortoise plant
    - trailer plant
    - trap plant
    - tuberous plant
    - turf-forming plant
    - umbrella plant
    - undesirable plant
    - unicorn plant
    - vanilla plant
    - vascular plant
    - velvet plant
    - warmhouse plant
    - water plant
    - water-indicating plant
    - water-stressed plant
    - wax plant
    - wild plant
    - winter plant
    - wishbone plant
    - woody plant
    - zoophobous plant
    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > plant

  • 5 cup

    cup [kʌp] (pt & pp cupped, cont cupping)
    1 noun
    (a) (for drinking, cupful) tasse f; Religion calice m;
    a cup of coffee une tasse de café;
    would you like another cup? en voulez-vous encore une tasse?;
    add two cups of sugar ajoutez deux tasses de sucre;
    literary my cup runneth over mon bonheur est complet ou parfait;
    literary he drained the cup of sorrow il a bu la coupe jusqu'à la lie;
    that's just her cup of tea c'est tout à fait à son goût;
    familiar he's not (really) my cup of tea il n'est pas (tout à fait) mon genre;
    familiar rap isn't everyone's cup of tea tout le monde n'aime pas le rap;
    familiar old-fashioned he was in his cups il avait du vent dans les voiles
    (b) Sport (trophy, competition) coupe f
    (c) (shape → of plant) corolle f; (→ of bone) cavité f articulaire, glène f; (→ of bra) bonnet m
    champagne/cider cup cocktail m au champagne/cidre;
    fruit cup cocktail m aux fruits (pouvant contenir de l'alcool)
    (e) Technology godet m, cuvette f
    (f) Golf trou m
    (a) Sport (winners, holders, match) de coupe
    (b) (handle) de tasse; (rack) pour tasses
    (a) (hands) mettre en coupe;
    (hold) to cup one's hands around sth mettre ses mains autour de qch;
    he cupped a hand to his ear il mit sa main derrière son oreille;
    she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted elle mit ses mains en porte-voix et cria;
    he sat with his chin cupped in his hand il était assis, le menton dans le creux de sa main
    (b) Medicine (with cupping glass) appliquer des ventouses sur
    ►► Sport cup final finale f de la coupe;
    British Football the Cup Final la finale de la Coupe de Football;
    Sport cup finalist finaliste mf de la coupe;
    cup size (of bra) profondeur f de bonnet;
    Sport cup tie match m de coupe
    The cup that cheers "Le breuvage qui réconforte"; il s'agit du slogan d'une vieille publicité pour une marque de thé. Aujourd'hui, on utilise cette expression pour parler du thé en général; on pourra dire par exemple this café makes the best cup that cheers for miles around ("ce café sert le meilleur thé à des lieux à la ronde").

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > cup

  • 6 water cup

    < proc> (e.g. biogas plant) ■ Wassertasse f

    English-german technical dictionary > water cup

  • 7 пронзеннолистная сильфия

    Русско-английский сельскохозяйственный словарь > пронзеннолистная сильфия

  • 8 сильфиум пронзённолистный

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сильфиум пронзённолистный

  • 9 сильфиум пронзённолистный

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > сильфиум пронзённолистный

  • 10 πυθμήν

    πυθμήν, - ένος
    Grammatical information: m.
    Meaning: `bottom of a vessel, the sea etc., ground, base, underlay, foot, e.g. of a cup, plant, i.e. root-end, stick, stem' (ep. Il., hell. a. late prose), `the lowest number (base) of an arithmetic series' (Pl. a.o.).
    Compounds: Tately as 2. member e.g. ἀ-πύθμεν-ος `bottomless, footless' (Thphr.; Sommer Nominalkomp. 99); besides (gramm.) withou them. vowel ἀ-πύθμην `id.' (Theognost.) a.o.
    Derivatives: Dimin. πυθμέν-ιον n. (pap.), - ικός `belonging to the base', - έω `to form a base' (late).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [174] * bhudh-m(e)n- `bottom'
    Etymology: Formation like λιμήν, ποιμήν (Schwyzer 522, Chantraine Form. 174; not productive). Except for the suffix πυθ-μήν agrees with Skt. budh-ná- m. `bottom, ground, foot, root', IE * bhudh-. Also morphologically these words can be brought together, if one derived budh-na- from * bhudh-mn-o- (the m was soon lost). In Germ. * bhudh- became PGm. * bud- (seen in OE bodan, MLG bōdem(e) etc.); then, after mn \> n, * bud-n- became * butt- \> bot(t)- according to Kluge's law (seen in OE botem \> Engl. bottom), ONord. botn); we also find evidence for PGm. * buÞ- (OHG bodam, OS bothme, ME bothme) which is as yet unexplained; see now G. Kroonen, ABäG 61(2006)xxx-xxx. Further removed is Lat. fundus `bottom etc.', with which MIr. bond, bonn `sole, basis' can be identical (IE * bhund(h)o-). The inner nasal is prob. connected with the nasalsuffix in * bhudh-no- and can be due to old metathesis, as corresponding forms appear also on Indo-Iran. territory, e.g. Av. bū̆na m. `ground, bottom' (from * bundna-?), Prākr. bundha- m. `bottom of a vase'; s. Mayrhofer s. budhnáḥ w. lit.; cf. also πύνδαξ (s.v.). -- Hypotheses in Bq and Ernout-Meillet s. fundus (after Vendryes MSL 18, 305 ff.); further rich lit. in W.-Hofmann s. fundus (WP. 2, 190, Pok. 174). On the meaning in gen. Kretschmer Glotta 22, 115ff. (against Porzig WuS 15, 112 f.); for Greek esp. Furumark Eranos 44, 45 ff. Though some details remain difficult, the reconstruction can hardly be doubted.
    Page in Frisk: 2,620-621

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > πυθμήν

  • 11 tea

    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.)
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!)
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!)
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) merienda
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel

    tea n
    two teas, please dos tés, por favor
    2. merienda
    3. cena

    tea sustantivo femenino torch
    tea sustantivo femenino torch ' tea' also found in these entries: Spanish: devoción - manzanilla - merendar - merienda - oro - paño - poleo - preferir - quedar - querer - quitar - reconfortar - suelta - suelto - - tila - agua - bombilla - cena - cenar - colador - comida - infusión - juego - lácteo - lonche - mateo - mundo - onces - repasador - secador - taza - trapo - yuyo English: burning - camomile tea - cup - dinner - dissolve - flavor - flavour - herb tea - inside - less - microwave - mint tea - nice - or - pot - tea - tea break - tea cloth - tea cosy - tea service - tea set - tea strainer - tea table - tea towel - tea trolley - tea urn - tea-chest - to - urn - black - brew - canister - chamomile - cozy - herbal - herb - infuse - job - lemon - like - loose - love - milky - party - pepper - pick - pour - strong - swot - tea bag
    will you make some tea? ¿quieres hacer un poco de té?
    3 (light meal) merienda
    what do you want for your tea? ¿qué quieres para cenar?
    not for all the tea in China por nada del mundo
    to be one's cup of tea ser del gusto de uno
    tea bag bolsita de té
    tea cloth paño (de cocina)
    tea cosy cubretetera
    tea leaf (gen) hoja de té 2 (thief) ladrón nombre masculino
    tea party merienda
    tea service / tea set juego de té
    tea strainer colador nombre masculino (pequeño)
    tea towel paño de cocina
    tea trolley carrito
    tea ['ti:] n
    1) :m (planta y bebida)
    2) : merienda f, té m (comida)
    merienda s.f.
    a) u (drink, leaves, plant) té m

    lemon tea — (BrE) té con limón

    not for all the tea in China — (dated) ni por todo el oro del mundo

    b) c ( cup of tea) (BrE)

    two teas, please — dos tés, por favor

    2) c u ( meal)
    a) ( in the afternoon) té m, merienda f, onces fpl (Andes)

    to have tea — tomar el té, merendar*, tomar onces (Andes)

    b) ( evening) (BrE) cena f, comida f (AmL)

    to have tea — cenar, comer (AmL)

    3) u c ( infusion) ( herb tea) infusión f, agua f‡ (AmC, Andes), té m de yuyos (Per, RPl)
    1. N
    1) (=drink, plant)m

    would you like some tea? — ¿te apetece un té?

    tea with lemon, lemon tea — té con limón

    herbal/mint tea — té m de hierbas/menta

    iced teate m helado

    2) (=cup of tea)m
    3) (=meal) (afternoon)m, merienda f; (evening) (Brit) cena f

    high teamerienda-cena f (que se toma con té)

    to have tea — tomar el té, merendar


    tea bag Nbolsita f de té

    tea boy Nchico que prepara y sirve el té en una fábrica u oficina

    tea break Ndescanso m para el té

    tea caddy Nbote m para té

    tea cart N (US)= tea trolley

    tea chest Ncaja f grande de madera

    tea cloth N(for trolley, tray) mantelito m, pañito m (for dishes)

    = tea towel

    tea cosy, tea cozy (US) Ncubretetera m

    tea dance N m bailable, té-baile m

    tea garden N(=café) café m al aire libre; (Agr) plantación f de té

    tea lady N(Brit) señora que prepara y sirve el té en una fábrica u oficina

    tea leaf Nhoja f de té

    tea party N m, merienda f

    tea plate Nplato m llano (pequeño)

    tea rose Nrosa f de té

    tea service, tea set Nservicio m de té, juego m de té

    tea strainer Ncolador m de té

    tea table Nmesita f de té

    tea things NPLservicio m del té

    tea towel Npaño m de cocina, trapo m de cocina (LAm)

    tea tray Nbandeja f del té

    tea trolley N(Brit) carrito m del té

    tea urn Ntetera f grande

    tea wagon N(US) carrito m del té

    * * *
    a) u (drink, leaves, plant) té m

    lemon tea — (BrE) té con limón

    not for all the tea in China — (dated) ni por todo el oro del mundo

    b) c ( cup of tea) (BrE)

    two teas, please — dos tés, por favor

    2) c u ( meal)
    a) ( in the afternoon) té m, merienda f, onces fpl (Andes)

    to have tea — tomar el té, merendar*, tomar onces (Andes)

    b) ( evening) (BrE) cena f, comida f (AmL)

    to have tea — cenar, comer (AmL)

    3) u c ( infusion) ( herb tea) infusión f, agua f‡ (AmC, Andes), té m de yuyos (Per, RPl)

    English-spanish dictionary > tea

  • 12 tea

    1) Tee, der

    [not] be somebody's cup of tea — (fig. coll.) [nicht] jemandes Fall sein (ugs.)

    2) (meal)

    [high] tea — Abendessen, das

    afternoon tea — [Nachmittags]tee, der

    * * *
    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) der Tee
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) der Tee
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) der Tee
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) der Tee
    - academic.ru/118867/tea-bag">tea-bag
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (plant) Tee m, Teepflanze f
    2. (drink) Tee m
    a cup of \tea eine Tasse Tee
    fennel/peppermint \tea Fenchel-/Pfefferminztee m
    strong/weak \tea starker/schwacher Tee
    to have/make [the] \tea Tee trinken/machen
    to sip \tea Tee trinken
    3. (cup of tea) Tasse f Tee
    two \teas, please zwei Tee, bitte
    4. BRIT (afternoon meal) Tee m, Zwischenmahlzeit f am Nachmittag (mit Tee, Sandwiches, Kuchen)
    for \tea zum Tee
    afternoon [or five o'clock] \tea Fünfuhrtee m
    5. BRIT, AUS (early evening meal) [frühes] Abendessen
    high [or meat] \tea [warmes] Abendessen (mit warmer Mahlzeit, Brot, Butter und Tee)
    not for all the \tea in China nicht um alles in der Welt
    to [not] be sb's cup of \tea [nicht] jds Fall sein
    \tea and sympathy alone will not do ( dated) Verständnis und Mitgefühl allein reichen nicht aus
    * * *
    1) (= substance, drink) Tee m

    to make (the) tea — (den) Tee machen

    3) (Brit) (= afternoon tea) ≈ Kaffee und Kuchen; (= meal) Abendbrot nt
    * * *
    tea [tiː]
    A s
    1. BOT Chinesischer Teestrauch
    2. Tee m:
    not for all the tea in China umg nicht um alles in der Welt; cup A 3
    3. Tee(mahlzeit) m(f): afternoon B, high tea
    4. US sl obs Grass n (Marihuana)
    B v/i umg Tee trinken
    C v/t umg mit Tee bewirten
    * * *
    1) Tee, der

    [not] be somebody's cup of tea — (fig. coll.) [nicht] jemandes Fall sein (ugs.)

    [high] tea — Abendessen, das

    afternoon tea — [Nachmittags]tee, der

    * * *
    Tee -s m.

    English-german dictionary > tea

  • 13 tea

    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) te
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) te
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) kop te; te
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) eftermiddagste; aftenmåltid
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel
    * * *
    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) te
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) te
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) kop te; te
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) eftermiddagste; aftenmåltid
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel

    English-Danish dictionary > tea

  • 14 coca

    1 coca (plant).
    3 Coca-Cola, Coke.
    4 cocaine.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: cocar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: cocar.
    * * *
    1 (arbusto) coca
    2 argot coke
    3 familiar (bebida) Coke R
    1 (baya) berry
    1 (dulce) type of flat sponge cake; (salada) flat pizza-like tart
    1 (moño) bun
    2 (cabeza) head
    * * *
    1) (Bot) coca; (=droga) coke *
    2) Méx
    * COCA In Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca plant have traditionally been chewed as a mild stimulant and for a variety of medicinal purposes. As such, they are sold quite legally in street markets. Since coca is also the raw material for cocaine, peasant farmers in remote areas grow it to sell to the illegal drugs trade. Cartels in Cali and Medellín control most of the processing, shipment and distribution of cocaine and retain most of the profits. The cocaine industry brings few benefits to the vast majority of Latin Americans and the power struggle between the drug barons and government is responsible for widespread violence. II
    1) * (=cabeza) head, nut *, noggin (EEUU) *
    2) ** (=golpe) rap on the nut **
    3) [de pelo] bun, coil
    4) [en cuerda] kink
    * SF Coke ®, Coca-Cola ®
    * * *
    femenino (Bot) coca; ( cocaína) (arg) coke (sl)
    •• Cultural note:
    Andean peasants in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador chew coca leaves mixed with bicarbonate of soda to combat cold and tiredness while working. They also make mate de coca, an infusion effective against altitude sickness. Much of the coca grown in the region goes to Colombia and reaches Europe and the US as cocaine. Governments in the region are now under heavy international pressure to stop its cultivation, but coca farmers defend their right to grow it, both for their own use and because it is so profitable
    * * *
    = coke, coca.
    Ex. It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from Flapjacks and Hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from ' coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.
    Ex. Colombia's Police Chief has said the government would continue to fumigate the country's crops of coca, the plant used to make cocaine, in the fight against illegal drugs.
    * * *
    femenino (Bot) coca; ( cocaína) (arg) coke (sl)
    •• Cultural note:
    Andean peasants in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador chew coca leaves mixed with bicarbonate of soda to combat cold and tiredness while working. They also make mate de coca, an infusion effective against altitude sickness. Much of the coca grown in the region goes to Colombia and reaches Europe and the US as cocaine. Governments in the region are now under heavy international pressure to stop its cultivation, but coca farmers defend their right to grow it, both for their own use and because it is so profitable
    * * *
    = coke, coca.

    Ex: It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from Flapjacks and Hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from ' coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.

    Ex: Colombia's Police Chief has said the government would continue to fumigate the country's crops of coca, the plant used to make cocaine, in the fight against illegal drugs.

    * * *
    coca coca (↑ coca a1)
    1 ( Bot) coca
    2 ( arg) (cocaína) coke (sl)
    C ( Coc) flat sponge cake
    D ( fam) (bebida) Coke®
    Andean peasants in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador chew coca leaves mixed with bicarbonate of soda to combat cold and tiredness while working. They also make mate de coca, an infusion effective against altitude sickness.
    Much of the coca grown in the region goes to Colombia and reaches Europe and the US as cocaine. Governments in the region are now under heavy international pressure to stop its cultivation, but coca farmers defend their right to grow it, both for their own use and because it is so profitable.
    * * *

    coca sustantivo femenino (Bot) coca;
    ( cocaína) (arg) coke (sl)
    coca sustantivo femenino
    1 Bot coca
    2 argot (droga) cocaine, coke
    ' coca' also found in these entries:
    - fizz
    - formula
    - coke
    * * *
    coca nf
    1. [planta] coca
    2. Fam [cocaína] coke
    3. Col [boliche] cup and ball
    * * *
    1 BOT coca
    2 fam
    droga coke fam
    * * *
    coca nf
    1) : coca
    2) fam : coke, cocaine

    Spanish-English dictionary > coca

  • 15 Tee

    m; -s, Sorten -s
    1. tea; ( einen) Tee machen oder kochen make some tea, make a pot ( oder cup) of tea; einen Tee trinken have a cup of tea; schwarzer / grüner Tee black / green tea; zwei Tee mit Zitrone two teas with lemon; abwarten und Tee trinken! umg., fig. (let’s [ oder you’ll just have to]) wait and see; einen im Tee haben umg., fig. have had one too many, be (a bit) squiffy (Am. tipsy)
    2. nur Sg. (Teenachmittag) (afternoon) tea; er kommt zum Tee he’s coming to ( oder for) tea
    * * *
    der Tee
    * * *
    m -, -(s) (RAIL) abbr
    * * *
    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) tea
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) tea
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) tea
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) tea
    * * *
    <-[s], -s>
    m Abk von Trans-Europ-Express TEE, Trans-Europe-Express
    * * *
    der; Tees, Tees tea

    [einen] Tee machen — make some tea

    * * *
    Tee m; -s, Sorten -s
    1. tea;
    kochen make some tea, make a pot ( oder cup) of tea;
    einen Tee trinken have a cup of tea;
    schwarzer/grüner Tee black/green tea;
    zwei Tee mit Zitrone two teas with lemon;
    abwarten und Tee trinken! umg, fig (let’s [ oder you’ll just have to]) wait and see;
    einen im Tee haben umg, fig have had one too many, be (a bit) squiffy (US tipsy)
    2. nur sg (Teenachmittag) (afternoon) tea;
    er kommt zum Tee he’s coming to ( oder for) tea
    * * *
    der; Tees, Tees tea

    [einen] Tee machen — make some tea

    * * *
    -s m.
    tea n. -s Ei - er n.
    tea ball n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Tee

  • 16 tea

    1) m.
    2) BE (in the afternoon)m.; (evening meal) = pasto consumato nel tardo pomeriggio e che funge da cena

    to give sb. tea and sympathy — scherz. = confortare qcn

    * * *
    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.)
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!)
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!)
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.)
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel
    * * *
    1) m.
    2) BE (in the afternoon)m.; (evening meal) = pasto consumato nel tardo pomeriggio e che funge da cena

    to give sb. tea and sympathy — scherz. = confortare qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > tea

  • 17 tea

    1) (a type of plant grown in Asia, especially India, Ceylon and China, or its dried and prepared leaves: I bought half a kilo of tea.) te, tebusk
    2) (a drink made by adding boiling water to these: Have a cup of tea!) te
    3) (a cup etc of tea: Two teas, please!) kopp med te
    4) (a small meal in the afternoon (afternoon tea) or a larger one in the early evening, at which tea is often drunk: She invited him to tea.) mellommat; kveldsmat
    - teacup
    - tea-party
    - teapot
    - tearoom
    - tea-set
    - tea-service
    - teaspoon
    - teaspoonful
    - tea-time
    - tea-towel
    subst. \/tiː\/
    two teas, please!
    to (kopper) te, takk!
    2) te(sort)
    3) teselskap
    4) teblad
    5) ( plantearten Camellia sinensis) tebusk
    6) kraft, kjøttkraft, (klar) buljong
    7) ( slang) gress, marihuana
    five o'clock tea eller afternoon tea ettermiddagste
    give away with a pound of tea gi bort gratis, kaste etter
    have tea drikke te
    high tea eller meat tea lett kveldsmåltid med te, tidlig tesupé (vanligvis ved 18-tiden)
    my cup of tea noe for meg
    min stil, min type
    not for all the tea in China ( hverdagslig) ikke for alt i verden
    tea and sympathy ( hverdagslig) trøst og støtte
    verb \/tiː\/
    1) drikke te
    2) by på te

    English-Norwegian dictionary > tea

  • 18 लॄ _lॄ

    लॄ f. A mother, a divine female. -m. Śiva. -f. =
    लृ. cf. लॄर्महात्मा सुरो बालो भूपः स्तोमः कथानकः (वक्ता) । मूर्खो शिश्नो गुदः कक्षा केशः पापरतो नरः ॥ Enm. एकान्वयो मम Ś.7; मनस्येकं वचस्येकं कर्मण्येकं महात्मनाम् H.1.197.
    -4 Firm, unchanged; एको ग्रहस्तु Pt.1.26.
    -5 Single of its kind, unique, singular.
    -6 Chief, supreme, prominent, sole; ब्राह्मण्यास्तद्धरेत्पुत्र एकांशं वै पितुर्धनात् Mb.13.47.11. ˚पार्थिव, ˚धनुर्धरः, ˚ऐश्वर्य M.1.1 sole sovereignty; एको रागिषु राजते Bh.3.121.
    -7 Peerless, matchless.
    -8 One of two or many; Me.3. एकः सख्यास्तव सह मया वामपादाभिलाषी Me.8.
    -9 Oft. used like the English indefinite article 'a', or 'an'; ज्योतिरेकम् Ś.5.3.
    -1 True.
    -11 Little. Oft. used in the middle of comp. in the sense of 'only', with an adjectival or adverbial force; दोषैकदृक् looking only to faults; त्वदेकेषु Ku.3.15 your arrow only; so भोगैकबद्धस्पृहः. एकः-अन्यः, or अपरः the one- the other; अजामेकां लोहित... नमामः । अजो ह्येको... अजोन्यः Śvet. Up.4.5; it is used in the plural in the sense of some, its correlative being अन्ये or अपरे (others); एके समूहुर्बलरेणुसंहतिं शिरोभिराज्ञामपरे महीभृतः ॥ Śi.12.45; see अन्य, अपर also.
    -कः N. of Viṣṇu. the ऴSupreme Being or Prajāpati; एक इति च प्रजापतेरभिधानमिति । ŚB. on MS. 1.3.13.
    (-कम्) 1 The mind; एकं विनिन्ये स जुगोप सप्त सप्तैव तत्याज ररक्ष पञ्च Bu. Ch.2.41.
    -2 unity, a unit; Hch.
    -का N. of Durgā. [cf. Persian yak; L. aequus].
    -Comp. -अंशः a separate part, part in general. विष्टभ्याह- मिदं कृत्स्नमेकांशेन स्थितो जगत् Bg.1.42. एकांशश्च प्रधानतः Ms. 9.15.
    -अक्ष a.
    1 having only one axle. द्विचक्रमेकाक्षम् (रथम्) Bhāg.4.26.1.
    -2 having one eye.
    -3 having an excellent eye.
    (-क्षः) 1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अक्षर a. monosyllabic. ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म Bg.8.13.
    (-रम्) 1 a monosyllable.
    -2 the sacred syllable; ओम्; एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म Ms.2.83.
    -3 The sole imperishable thing; एका- क्षरमभिसंभूय Av.5.28.8.
    -4 N. of an Upaniṣad. ˚कोशः a vocabulary of monosyllabic words by Puruṣottama- deva. ˚रीभावः the production of only one syllable, con- traction.
    -अग्नि a. Keeping only one fire; Āpastamba Dharma Sūtra 2.21.21. (
    -कः) One and the same fire.
    -अग्र a.
    1 fixed on one object or point only.
    -2 closely attentive, concentrated, intent; तद्गीतश्रवणैकाग्रा R.15.66; K.49; कच्चिदेतच्छ्रुतं पार्थ त्वयैकाग्रेण चेतसा Bg.18.72; मनुमे- काग्रमासीनम् Ms.1.1.
    -3 unperplexed.
    -4 known, cele- brated.
    -5 single-pointed. (
    -ग्रः) (in Math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided. ˚चित्त, ˚मनस् a. with a concentrated mind, with un- divided attention. ˚चित्तम्, ˚चित्तता intentness of purpose, concentration of mind; तत्रैकाग्रं मनःकृत्वा Bg.6.12;18.72. °reeदृष्टि a. fixing one's eye on one spot.
    -अग्ऱ्य = ˚अग्र. (
    -ग्ऱ्यम्) concentration.
    -अङ्गः 1 a body-guard.
    -2 the planet Mercury or Mars.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu. ˚वधः Mutilation of a limb; Kau. A.4.
    -4 Having a unique or beautiful shape.
    (-अङ्गम्) 1 a single member or part.
    -2 sandal wood.
    -3 the head. (
    -ङ्गौ) a married couple. (
    -ङ्गी) Incomplete; ˚रूपक incomplete, simile.
    -अञ्जलिः A handful.
    -अङ्गिका preparation made with sandal-wood.
    -अण्डः a kind of horse.
    -अधिपतिः a sole monarch or sovereign.
    -अनंशा the only (day) receiving no part of the moon, an epithet of Kuhū or day of new moon (born together with Kṛiṣṇa and worshipped with Kṛiṣ&na and Bala- deva and identified with Durgā).
    -अनुदिष्ट a.
    1 left as a funeral feast or one who has recently partaken in it. (
    -ष्टम्) a funeral ceremony performed for only one ancestor (recently dead); see एकोद्दिष्ट; यावदेकानुदिष्टस्य गन्धो लेपश्च तिष्ठति Ms.4.111.
    -अन्त a.
    1 solitary, retired.
    -2 aside, apart.
    -3 directed towards one point or object only.
    -4 excessive, great; ˚शैत्यात्- कदलीविशेषाः Ku.1.36.
    -5 worshipping only one; devoted to only one (एकनिष्ठ); एकान्तजनप्रियः Bhāg.8.24.31.
    -6 absolute, invariable, perpetual; स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणम् Bh.2.7; कस्यैकान्तं सुखमुपगतम् Me.111.
    (-तः) 1 a lonely or retired place, solitude; तासामेकान्तविन्यस्ते शयानां शयने द्युमे Rām.5.1.5. व्योम˚ विहारिणः Pt.2.2; H.1.49.
    -2 exclusiveness.
    -3 an invariable rule or course of conduct or action; तस्मादेकान्तमासाद्य Pt.3.7.
    -4 exclusive aim or boundary. (
    -तम्) an exclusive recourse, a settled rule or principle; तेजः क्षमा वा नैकान्तं काल- ज्ञस्य महीपतेः Śi.2.83. (
    -तम्, -तेन, -ततः, -ते) ind.
    1 solely, exclusively, invariably, always, absolutely, युद्धे नैकान्तेन भवेज्जयः Mb.5.64.27.
    -2 exceeding, quite, wholly, very much; वयमप्येकान्ततो निःस्पृहाः Bh.3.24; दुःखमेकान्ततो वा Me.111; oft. in comp.; ˚विध्वंसिन् sure or destined to perish; R.2.57; ˚भीरु Mu. 3.5 always timid; so एकान्तकरुण very weak &c.
    -3 alone, apart, privately. ˚भूत being alone or solitary; विलोक्यैकान्तभूतानि भूतान्यादौ प्रजापतिः Bhāg.6.18.3. ˚मति a. devoted to one object only. ˚विहारिन् a. a solitary wanderer. ˚सुषमा 'containing exclusively good years', a division of time with Jainas. ˚स्थित a. staying or remaining apart.
    -अन्तर a. next but one, separated by one remove; द्वन्द्वं दक्षमरीचिसंभवमिदं तत्स्रष्टुरेकान्तरम् Ś.7.27; V.1. (
    -रः) a kind of fever.
    -अन्तिक a. final, conclusive.
    -अन्तित्वम् devotion to one object.
    -अन्तिन् a. devoted to one object only; अहो अत्यद्भुतं ह्येतद् दुर्लभैकान्ति- नामपि Bhāg.7.1.15. -m. a worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -अन्नम् one and the same food.
    (-न्नः), -˚आदिन् 1 a mess-mate.
    -2 One who lives on the alms from only one house; नैकान्नादी भवेद् व्रती Ms.2.188.
    -अपचयः, अपायः Diminution by one.
    -अब्दा a heifer one year old.
    1 passable for only one (as a foot-path) Mb.3.
    -2 fixing one's thoughts on one object, closely attentive, intent; see एकाग्र.
    (-नम्) 1 a lonely or retired place; एकायनगतः पथि Mb.1.176.5; Rām. 3.67.23.
    -2 a meeting-place, rendezvous. सर्वासामपां समुद्र एकायनम् Bṛi. Up.2.4.11.
    -3 union of thoughts.
    -4 monotheism.
    -5 the sole object; सा स्नेहस्य एकायनीभूता M.2.14; एकायनीभूय Mv.4 with one accord, unani- mously.
    -6 One and the same way, similarity; एकमेवायनगताः प्लवमाना गिरेर्गिरम् Rām.4.2.9.
    -7 Worldly wisdom (नीतिशास्त्र); नाम वै एकायनम् Ch. Up.7.1.2. ˚गत = एकायन q. v. तरुणः सुकृतैर्युक्त एकायनगतश्च ह Mb.7.12.22. ˚स्थः With only one resource open, driven to extremity; शूरश्चैकायनस्थश्च किमन्यत्प्रतिपद्यते Pratijñā.1.7.
    -अर्णवः general flood, universal deluge; अयं ह्युत्सहते क्रुद्धः कर्तुमे- कार्णवं जगत् Rām.5.49.2.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having one and the same meaning, having the same object in view; राजन्यकान्युपायज्ञैरेकार्थानि चरैस्तव Śi.2.114.
    -2 (Rhet.) Tautological (as a sentence); Kāvyālaṅkāravṛitti. 2.1.11.
    (-र्थः) 1 the same thing, object, or intention.
    -2 the same meaning.
    -3 N. of a glossary (of synonymous words); cf. एकार्थनाममाला.
    - अवम a. inferior or less by one.
    - अवयव a. made up of the same components.
    -अशीत or ˚तितम a. eighty-first.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-one.
    -अष्टका 1 the first or chief Aṣṭakā after the full moon; एकाष्टके सुप्रजसः सुवीरा Av.3.1.5.
    -2 the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Māgha (on which a श्राद्ध is to be performed).
    -अष्ठीका (ला) The root of the trumpet-flower (Mar. पहाडमूळ).
    -अष्ठील a. having one kernel. (
    -लः) N. of a plant (बकवृक्ष); A white variety of Gigantic swallow- wort (Mar. रुईमांदार).
    -अहन् (ह) 1 the period of one day.
    -2 a sacrifice lasting for one day. ˚गमः, ˚अध्वा a day's journey.
    -आतपत्र a. characterized by only one umbrella (showing universal sovereignty); एकातपत्रं जगतः प्रभुत्वम् R.2.47. ˚त्रां भुवम् 18.4; K.26; Śi.12. 33; V.3.19.
    -आत्मन् a. depending solely on one-self, solitary.
    -आदेशः cf. Sk. on P.VI.1.11. one substitute for two or more letters (got by either dropping one vowel, or by the blending of both); as the आ in एकायन.
    -आयु a.
    1 providing the most excellent food.
    -2 the first living being. एकायुरग्रे विश आविवाससि Rv.1.31.5.
    -आवलिः, -ली f.
    1 a single string of pearls, beads &c.; सूत्रमेकावली शुद्धा Kau. A.2.11. एका- वली कण्ठविभूषणं वः Vikr.1.3; लताविटपे एकावली लग्ना V.1.
    -2 (in Rhetoric) Necklace- a series of statements in which there is a regular transition from a predicate to a subject, or from a subject to a predicate; स्थाप्यते$पोह्यते वापि यथापूर्वं परस्परम् । विशेषणतया यत्र वस्तु सैकावली द्विधा ॥ K. P.1; cf. Chandr.5.13-4; नेत्रे कर्णान्तविश्रान्ते कर्णो दोःस्तम्भदोलितौ &c. and Bk.2.19.
    -आहार्य a. having the same food; making no difference between allowed and forbidden food; एकहार्यं युगं सर्वम् Mb.3.19.41.
    -उक्तिः f. a single expression or word.
    -उत्तर a. greater or increasing by one.
    -उदकः (a relative) connected by the offering of funeral libations of water to the same deceased ancestor; जन्मन्येकोदकानां तु त्रिरात्राच्छुद्धिरिष्यते Ms.5.71.
    -उदरः, -रा uterine, (brother or sister).
    -उदात्त a. having one Udātta accent.
    -उद्दिष्टम् a Śrāddha or funeral rite performed for one definite individual deceased, not including other ancestors; see एकानुदिष्ट.
    -ऊन a. less by one, minus one.
    -ऋच् a. consisting of one verse (ऋच्). (
    -चम्) A Sūkta of one verse only; Av.19.23.2.
    -एक a. one by one, one taken singly, a single one; एकैकमप्यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्टयम् H. Pr.11; R.17.43.
    (-कम्), -एकैकशः, ind. one by one, singly, severally एकैकमत्र दिवसे दिवसे Ś.6.11; ˚कं निर्दिशन् Ś.7 pointing to each severally.
    -श्यम् (एककश्यम्) Single state, severally एकैकश्येनानुपूर्वं भूत्वा भूत्वेह जायते Bhāg.7.15.51.
    -˚श्येन (instrumental used as an adv.) individually, singly, one by one. ते यदि एकैकश्येनापि कुर्वन्ति तथापि सत्रक्रियामभिसमीक्ष्य बहव एव कुर्वन्तीति बहुवचनं भविष्यति । ŚB on MS.1.6.45.
    -ओघः 1 a continuous current.
    -2 A single flight (of arrows); एकौघेन स्वर्णपुङ्खैर्द्विषन्तः (आकिरन्ति स्म) Śi. 18.55.
    -कपाल a. consisting of or contained in one cup.
    -कर a. (
    -री f.)
    1 doing only one thing.
    -2 (-रा) one-handed.
    -3 one-rayed.
    -कार्य a.
    1 acting in concert with, co-operating, having made common cause with; co-worker; अस्माभिः सहैककार्याणाम् Mu.2; R.1.4.
    -2 answering the same end.
    -3 having the same occu- pation. (
    -र्यम्) sole or same business.
    -कालः 1 one time.
    -2 the same time, (
    -लम्, -ले) ind. at one time, at one and the same time; एककालं चरेद्भैक्षम् Ms.6.55. ˚भोजनम् eating but one meal in any given time.
    -कालिकम् Once a day; तेभ्यो लब्धेन भैक्ष्येण वर्तयन्नेककालिकम् Ms.11.123.
    -कालीन a.
    1 happening once only;
    -2 Contemporary, coeval.
    -कुण्डलः (लिन्) N. of Kubera; of Balabhadra and Śeṣa; गर्गस्रोतो महातीर्थमाजगामैककुण्डली Mb.9.37.14. cf. एककुण्डल आख्यातो बलरामे धनाधिपे Medini.
    -कुष्ठम् a kind of leprosy; कृष्णारुणं येन भवे- च्छरीरं तदेककुष्ठं प्रवदन्त्यसाध्यम् Suśr.
    -क्षीरम् the milk of one (nurse &c.).
    -गम्यः the supreme spirit.
    -गुरु, गुरुक a. having the same preceptor. (
    -रुः, -रुकः) a spiritual brother (pupil of the same preceptor).
    -ग्राम a. living in the same village. (
    -मः) the same village.
    -ग्रामीण a. Inhabiting the same village; नैकग्रामीणमतिथिम् Ms.3.13.
    -चक्र a.
    1 having only one wheel. (said of the sun's chariot); सप्त युञ्जन्ति रथमेक- चक्रम् Rv.1.164.2.
    -2 governed by one king only. (
    -क्रः) the chariot of the sun. ˚वर्तिन् m. sole master of the whole universe, universal monarch. (
    -क्रा) N. of the town Kīchakas.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-one.
    -चर a.
    1 wandering or living alone, alone; अयमेकचरो$ भिवर्तते माम् Ki.13.3;3.53. Kau. A.1.18. स्वच्छन्दमेकचरं Mudrā.
    -2 having one attendant.
    -3 living un- assisted.
    -4 going together or at the same time.
    -5 gregarious.
    -6 (Said of certain animals); न भक्षयेदेकचरान् Ms.5.17; Bhāg.5.8.18.
    (-रः) 1 a rhinoceros.
    -2 An ascetic (यति); नाराजके जनपदे चरत्येकचरो वशी Rām.2.67.23.
    - चरण a. having only one foot.
    -चारिन् a.
    1 living alone, solitary.
    -2 going alone or with one follower only.
    -3 An atten- dant of Buddha. (
    -णी) a loyal wife.
    -चित्त a. thinking of one thing only, absorbed in one object.
    (-त्तम्) 1 fixedness of thought upon one object.
    -2 unanimity एकचित्तीभूय H.1 unanimously; ˚ता fixedness of mind, agreement, unanimity.
    -चिन्तनम् thinking of only one object.
    -चिन्मय a. Consisting of intelligence; Rāmt. Up.
    -चेतस्, -मनस् a. unanimous; see ˚चित्त.
    -चोदन a. Resting upon one rule. (
    -नम्) referring to in the singular number.
    -च्छत्र a. Ruled by one king solely.
    -च्छायाश्रित a. Involved in similarity (of debt) with one debtor (said of a surety); Y.2.56.
    - a.
    1 born alone or single.
    -2 growing alone (a tree); महानप्येकजो वृक्षो बलवान्सुप्रतिष्ठितः Pt.3.54.
    -3 alone of its kind.
    -4 uniform, unchanging.
    -जः, -जा a brother or sister of the same parents.
    -जटा N. of a goddess उग्रतारा.
    -जन्मन् m.
    1 a king.
    -2 a Śūdra; see ˚जाति below.
    -जात a. born of the same parents; Ms.9.148.
    -जाति a.
    1 once born.
    -2 belonging to the same family or caste. (
    -तिः) a Śūdra (opp. द्विजन्मन्); ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यस्त्रयो वर्णा द्विजातयः । चतुर्थ एकजातिस्तु शूद्रो नास्ति तु पञ्चमः ॥ Ms.1.4;8.27.
    -जातीय a. of the same kind, species or family. ˚अनुसमयः performance of one detail with reference to all things or persons, then doing the second, then the third and so on (see पदार्थानुसमय) Ms.5.2.1-2.
    -जीववादः (in phil.) the assertion of a living soul only.
    -ज्या the chord of an arc; sine of 3˚.
    -ज्योतिस् m. N. of Śiva.
    -तान a. con- centrated or fixed on one object only, closely attentive; ब्रह्मैकतानमनसो हि वसिष्ठमिश्राः Mv.3.11.
    (-नः) 1 atten- tion fixed on one object only; A. Rām.6.2.2.
    -2 musical harmony, = ˚तालः
    -ताल a. Having a single palm tree; एकताल एवोत्पातपवनप्रेरितो गिरिः R.15.23.
    -तालः harmony, accurate adjustment of song, dance, and instrumental music (cf. तौर्यत्रिकम्).
    -लम् A kind of sculptural measurement. (
    -ली) an instrument for beating time, any instrument having but one note.
    -तीर्थिन् a.
    1 bathing in the same holy water.
    -2 belonging to the same religious order; क्रमेणाचार्यसच्छिष्य- धर्मभ्रात्रेकतीर्थिनः Y.2.137. -m. a fellow student, spiritual brother.
    -तेजन a. Ved. having only one shaft (an arrow).
    -त्रिंशत् f. thirty-one; ˚त्रिंश 31st.
    -त्रिकः a kind of sacrifice performed in or lasting for a day.
    -दंष्ट्रः, -दन्तः "one-tusked", epithets of Gaṇeśa (एकदंष्ट्रः) A kind of fever.
    -दण्डिन् m.
    1 N. of a class of Sannyāsins or beggars (otherwise called हंस). They are divided into four orders:-- कुटीचको बहूदको हंसश्चैव तृतीयकः । चतुर्थः परहंसश्च यो यः पश्चात्स उत्तमः ॥ Hārita.
    -2 N. of a Vedantic school.
    -दलः, -पत्रः N. of a plant (चन्डालकन्द).
    -दिश् a. living in the same region or quarter.
    -दुःखसुख a. sympathising, having the same joys and sorrows.
    -दृश्, -दृष्टि a. one-eyed. -m.
    1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 a philosopher.
    -दृश्य a. the sole object of vision, alone being worthy of being seen. तमेकदृश्यं नयनैः पिबन्त्यो Ku.7.64.
    -दृष्टिः f. fixed or steady look.
    -देवः the Supreme god.
    -देवत, -दे(दै)वत्य a. devoted, directed or offered to one deity.
    -देश a. occupying the same place.
    (-शः) 1 one spot or place.
    -2 a part or portion (of the whole), one side; ˚अवतीर्णा K.22; तस्यैकदेशः U.4; Mv.2; विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते V.4.33 'what is claimed should be given by one who is proved to have got a part of it'; (this is sometimes called एकदेशविभावितन्याय) ˚क्षाण a. partly burnt. एकदेशक्षाणमपि क्षाणमेव । ŚB. on MS.6.4.18.
    -देशिन् a. consisting of parts or portions divided into parts. -m. A disputant knowing only part of the true state of the case.
    -देह, -देहिन् a.
    1 having only one body.
    -2 elegantly formed.
    (-हः) 1 the planet Mercury.
    -2 (du.) Husband and wife.
    -धनः a kind of jug with which water is taken up at certain religious ceremonies.
    (-नम्) 1 an excellent gift.
    -2 honorific offering.
    -धनिन् a. obtaining an honorific offering,
    -धर्मन्, -धर्मिन् a.
    1 possessing the same properties of the same kind.
    -2 professing the same religion.
    -धुर, -धुरावह, -धुरीण a.
    1 fit for but one kind of labour.
    -2 fit for but one yoke (as cattle for special burden; P.IV.4.79).
    -धुरा a particular load or con- veyance.
    -नक्षत्रम् a lunar mansion consisting of only one star.
    -नटः the principal actor in a drama, the manager (सूत्रधार) who recites the prologue.
    -नयनः The planet Venus.
    -नवतः ninety-first.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-one.
    -नाथ a. having one master.
    (-थः) 1 sole master or lord.
    -2 N. of an author.
    -नायकः N. of Śiva.
    -निश्चय a. come to the same conclusion or resolution, having the same aim. (
    -यः) general agreement or con- clusion, unanimity.
    -निपातः A particle which is a single word.
    -निष्ठ a.
    1 intently devoted or loyal (to one thing).
    -2 intently fixed on one object.
    -नेत्रः 1 N. of Śiva; (one-eyed).
    -2 (With Śaivas) One of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 of the same side or party, an associate.
    -2 partial. (
    -क्षः) one side or party; ˚आश्रयविक्लवत्वात् R.14.34; ˚क्षे in one point of view, in one case.
    -पक्षीभावः The state of being the one alternative.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-one.
    -पतिक a. having the same husband.
    -पत्नी 1 a faithful wife (perfectly chaste); तां चावश्यं दिवसगणनातत्परामेकपत्नीम् Me.1.
    -2 the wife of a man who has no other wives; यो धर्म एकपत्नीनां काङ्क्षन्ती तमनुत्तमम् Ms.5.158.
    -3 the wife of the same man; a co-wife; सर्वासामेकपत्नीनामेका चेत्पुत्रिणी भवेत् Ms.9. 183. ˚व्रतम् a vow of perfect chastity; कामेकपत्नीव्रतदुःख- शीलाम् Ku.3.7.
    -पत्रिका the plant Ocimum Gratissimum (गन्धपत्रा; Mar. नागदवणी)
    -पद्, -पाद् a.
    1 one-footed, limping, lame.
    -2 incomplete. (
    -पाद्) m. N. of Śiva or Viṣṇu. (
    -पदी) a foot-path (for a single man to walk on). एकपद्या तया यान्ती नलिकायन्त्रतुल्यया Śiva. B.28.66
    -पद a.
    1 one-footed.
    -2 consisting of or named in one word.
    (-दम्) 1 a single step.
    -2 single or simple word.
    -3 the time required to pronounce a single word.
    -4 present time, same time;
    (-दः) 1 a man having one foot.
    -2 a kind of coitus (रतिबन्ध). (
    -दे) ind. sudden- ly, all at once, abruptly; निहन्त्यरीनेकपदे य उदात्तः स्वरानिव Śi.2.95; R.8.48; K.45; V.4.3. (
    -दा) a verse con- sisting of only one Pāda or quarter stanza.
    (-दी) 1 a woman having one foot.
    -2 a Gāyatrī consisting of one Pāda. गायत्र्यस्येकपदी Bṛi. Up.5.14.7.
    -3 Foot-path (Mar. पाऊलवाट); इयमेकपदी राजन्यतो मे पितुराश्रमः Rām. 2.63.44.
    -पर a. Ved. an epithet of the dice in which one is decisive or of pre-eminent importance.
    -परि ind. one over or under, (a term at dice; cf. अक्षपरि). अक्षस्याह- मेकहरस्य हेतोः Rv.1.34.2.
    -पर्णा 1 N. of a younger sister of Durgā.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -3 a plant having one leaf only.
    -पलाशः a. a single Butea Frondosa.
    -पाटला N. of a younger sister of Durgā; N. of Durgā.
    -पाणः a single wager.
    -पात a. happening at once, sudden.
    -तः The first word of a Mantra (प्रतीक).
    -पतिन् a.
    1 sudden.
    -2 standing alone or solitary. (
    -नी) i. e. ऋक् a verse to be taken by itself or independently of the hymn to which it belongs.
    -पाद a.
    1 having only one foot; तत्र शिश्रिये$ज एकपादः Av.13.1.6.
    -2 using only one foot.
    (-दः) 1 one or single foot.
    -2 one and the same Pāda.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu and Śiva.
    -पादिका a kind of posture of birds.
    -पार्थिवः Sole ruler or king; न केवलं तद्गुरुरेक- पार्थिवः R.3.31.
    -पिङ्गः, -पिङ्गलः N. of Kubera; having a yellow mark in place of one eye; (his eye was so made on account of a curse uttered by Pārvatī when he cast an evil eye at her;) Dk.2.4.
    -पिण्ड a. united by the offering of the funeral rice-ball;
    ˚ता, -त्वम् consanguinity.
    -पुत्र a. having only one son.
    -पुरुषः 1 the Supreme Being; वेदान्तेषु यमाहुरेकपुरुषम् V.1.1;
    -2 the chief person. a. Consisting of only one man. तथैकपुरुषं राष्ट्रम् Bhāg.6.5.7.
    -पुष्कलः (रः) N. of a musical instrument (Mar. काहल); ततः प्रयाते दाशार्हे प्रावाद्यन्तैकपुष्कराः Mb.5.94.21.
    -प्रकार a. of the same kind.
    -प्रख्य a. singularly like.
    -प्रभुत्वम् sole sovereignty.
    -प्रयत्नः one effort (of the voice).
    -प्रस्थः a measure.
    -प्रहारिक a. killed by one blow. Mk.8.
    -प्राणयोगः union in one breath.
    -बुद्धि a. having only one thought.
    -भक्त a.
    1 serving one master only.
    -2 worshipping one deity.
    -3 eating together. (
    -भूक्तम्) N. of a religi- ous ceremony; eating but one meal (a day) Mb.3; Y.3.318. ˚व्रतम् eating but once a day as a religious observance.
    -भक्ति a.
    1 believing in one deity.
    -2 firmly devoted; तेषां ज्ञानी नित्ययुक्त एकभक्तिर्विशिष्यते Bg.7. 17. -f. eating but one meal a day.
    -भार्या a faithful or chaste wife. तामेकभार्यां परिवादभीरोः R.14.86 (
    -र्यः) one having one wife only.
    -भाव a. of the same or one nature.
    -2 sincerely devoted.
    -3 honest, sincerely disposed.
    (-वः) 1 one feeling, the same or unchanged devotion; दुर्ग्राह्यत्वान्नृपतिमनसां नैकभावाश्रयाणां सेवाधर्मः परमगहनः Pt.1.285;3.65. स्वतेजसा सत्त्वगुणप्रवाहमात्मैकभावेन भजध्वमद्धा Bhāg.
    -2 oneness, agreement. cf. एको भावः सदा शस्तो यतीनां भवितात्मनाम्
    -भूत a.
    1 being one, undivided
    -2 concentrated, closely attentive.
    -भूमः a palace having one floor.
    -भोजन, -भुक्त a.
    1 eating but one meal.
    -2 eating in common.
    -मति a.
    1 fixed on one object.
    -2 unanimous, thinking in the same way.
    -मनस् a. thinking with another, of one thought; ते निर्यान्तु मया सहैकमनसो येषामभीष्टं यशः Mu.2.13.
    -2 fixing the mind upon one object, closely attentive; गच्छन्तमेकमनसम् Mb.1.42.36. एकमनाः श्रोतुमर्हति देवः M.2.
    -मात्र a. of one syllable.
    -मुख a.
    1 having the face directed towards one place, direction of object; सहस्रं स एकमुखो ददाति Av.9.4.9.
    -2 having the same aim.
    -3 having one chief or head; द्यूतमेकमुखं कार्यम् Y.2.23.
    -4 having one door or entrance (as a मण्डप).
    (-खम्) 1 gambling.
    -2 a kind of fruit (रुद्राक्षफल).
    -मूर्धन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.8.9.15.
    -मूला = अतसी q. v.
    -यष्टिः, -यष्टिका a single string of pearls.
    -योनि a.
    1 uterine.
    -2 of the same family or caste; एतद्विधानं विज्ञेयं विभाग- स्यैकयोनिषु Ms.9.148.
    -रजः the plant भृङ्गराज (Mar. माका).
    -रथः An eminent warrior; Mb.3.
    -रश्मि a. Lustrous Mb.4.
    -रस a.
    1 finding pleasure only in one thing, of one flavour; रसान्तराण्येकरसं यथा दिव्यं पयो$श्नुते R.1.17.
    -2 of one feeling or sentiment only; साहस˚ U.5.21 influenced only by rashness; विक्रम˚ K.7; भावैकरसं मनः Ku.5.82; M.3.1; Bv.2.155; Śi.6.26; V.1.9.
    -3 of one tenor, stable, equable; Māl.4.7; U.4.15.
    -4 solely or exclusively devoted (to one); अबलैकरसाः R.9.43,8.65.
    (-सः) 1 oneness of aim or feeling.
    -2 the only flavour or pleasure. (
    -सम्) a drama of one sentiment.
    -राज्, -राजः m. an absolute king; प्राङ् विशाम्पतिरेकराट् त्वं वि राज Av.3.4.1. a. Shining alone, alone visible; स वा एष तदा द्रष्टा नाप- श्यद् दृश्यमेकराट् Bhāg.3.5.24.
    -रात्रः a ceremony lasting one night. (
    -त्रम्) one night; एकरात्रं तु निवसन्नतिथिर्ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः Ms.3.12.
    -रात्रिक a. lasting or sufficient for one night only.
    -राशिः 1 a heap, crowd.
    -2 a sign of the zodiac. ˚भूत a. collected or heaped together.
    -रिक्थिन् m. a coheir; यद्येकरिक्थिनौ स्यातामौरसक्षेत्रजौ सुतौ Ms.9.162.
    -रूप a.
    1 of one form or kind, like, similar; आसवः प्रतिपदं प्रमदानां नैकरूपरसतामिव भेजे Ki.9.55.
    -2 uniform, one-coloured; Rv.1.169.2.
    (-पम्) 1 one form or kind;
    -2 The knowledge of reality. विमोचयत्येकरूपेण Sāṅ. K.63. ˚ता uniformity, invariableness; क्षणद्युतीनां दधुरेकरूपताम् Ki.8.2.
    -रूप्य a. formed or arising from one.
    -लिङ्गः 1 a word having one gender only.
    -2 N. of Kubera. (
    -ङ्गम्) a place in which for five krośas there is but one लिङ्ग (Phallus); पञ्चक्रोशान्तरे यत्र न लिङ्गान्तरमीक्ष्यते । तदेकलिङ्गमाख्यातं तत्र सिद्धिरनुत्तमा ॥ Śabdak.
    -वचनम् the singular number.
    -वर्ण a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 identical, same.
    -3 of one tribe or caste.
    -4 involving the use of one letter (˚समीकरण).
    (-र्णः) 1 one form.
    -2 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -3 a word of one syllable.
    -4 a superior caste. (
    -र्णी) beating time, the instru- ment (castanet); ˚समीकरणम् an equation involving one unknown quantity.
    -वर्णिक a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 of one caste.
    -वर्षिका a heifer one year old.
    -वस्त्र, -वसन a. having only one garment, in one dress (without उत्तरीय). (
    -स्त्रम्) a single garment.
    -वाक्यम् one or unanimous opinion; एकवाक्यं विवव्रः R.6.85 raised a unanimous cry; ˚ता consistency in meaning, unanimity, reconciling different statements, syntactical unity; प्रकरणाच्च ज्योतिष्टोमेनैकवाक्यता स्यात् । ŚB. on MS.1. 5.37.
    -वाक्यकृ 8 U. To effect syntactical unity, to construe as one sentence. तस्मात् प्रकृतानां... देवतानामन्यतमया देवतया प्रकृतत्वादेकवाक्यतां कृत्वा देवतामवगमिष्यामः । ŚB. on MS.1. 8.5.
    -वाक्यया 2 P. (with instrumental) To form one sentence with, to be syntactically connected with; न वै कृतं कर्म प्राकृतैरङ्गपदार्थैः सहैकवाक्यतां याति । ŚB. on MS.1. 1.2.
    ˚त्वम् syntactical unity. The state of forming or being one sentence; एकवाक्यत्वाच्च । Ms.1.1.8.
    -वाचक a. Synonymous.
    -वादः 1 a kind of drum or tabor (Mar. डफ).
    -2 the unitarian doctrine, monotheism.
    -वारम्, -वारे ind.
    1 only once.
    -2 at once, suddenly.
    -3 at one time.
    -वासस् a. Clothed in only one garment.
    -वासा A woman; Nigh.
    -विंश a. twenty-first; consisting of twentyone. (
    -शः) the Ekaviṁśa- ṣ&tod;oma; Av.8.9.2.
    -विंशक a. The twentyfirst; दश पूर्वान्परान् वंश्यानात्मानं चैकविंशकम् । ब्राह्मीपुत्रः सुकृतकृन्मोचयेदेनसः पितॄन् ॥ Ms.3.37.
    -कम् The number twentyone; Y.3.224.
    -विंशतिः f. twentyone.
    -विजयः Complete victory; Kau. A.12.
    -विध a. of one kind; simple.
    -विलोचन a. one-eyed; see एकदृष्टि.
    -विषयिन् m. a rival (having a common object or end in view).
    -वीरः a pre-eminent warrior or hero; धर्म˚ Mv.5.48.
    -रा N. of a daughter of Śiva, a deity.
    -वृक्षः 1 one tree.
    -2 a district in which but one tree is seen for 4 Krośas.
    -वृत f. heaven.
    -वृन्दम 1 a peculiar disease of the throat.
    -2 one heap or collection.
    -वृषः Ved. the chief bull; the best or most excellent of a number.
    -वेणिः, -णी f. a single braid of hair (worn by a woman as a mark of her separation from her hus- band &c.); गण्डाभोगात्कठिनविषमामेकवेणीं करेण Me.93; ˚धरा Ś.7; धृत˚ Ś.7.21.
    -वेश्मन् n. a solitary house or room; विप्रदुष्टां स्त्रियं भर्ता निरुन्ध्यादेकवेश्मनि Ms.11.176.
    -व्यवसायिन् a. following the same profession.
    -व्याव- हारिकाः N. of a Buddhist school.
    -शत a. 11 st. (
    -तम्) 11; अत्रैतदेकशतं नाडीनां Prasna. Up.3.6.
    -शक a. whole-hoofed. (
    -फः) an animal whose hoof is not cloven (as a horse, ass &c.); अजाविकं सैकशफं न जातु विषमं भजेत् Ms.9.119.
    -शरणम् the sole recourse or refuge (especially applied to a deity).
    -शरीर a. of one body or blood, consanguineous. ˚अन्वयः consan- guineous descent. ˚अवयवः a descendant in a right line, blood-kinsman. ˚आरम्भः commencement of consangui- nity by the union of father and mother.
    -शल्यः A kind of fish; Rām.5.11.17.
    -शाख a. having one branch. (
    -खः) a Brāhmaṇa of the same branch or school.
    -शायिन् a. Sleeping alone, chaste; Mb.13.
    -शाला A single hall or room; (
    -लम् A house consisting of one hall; Matsya P.
    -शीर्षन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.13.4.6.
    -शुङ्ग a. having one sheath. (
    -ङ्गा) N. of a medicinal plant.
    -शुल्कम् One and the same purchase money (given to the parents of a bride); अन्यां चेद्दर्शयित्वा$न्या वोढुः कन्या प्रदीयते । उभे ते एकशुल्केन वहेदित्यब्रवीन्मनुः ॥ Ms.8.24.
    -शृङ्ग a. having only one horn.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a unicorn; rhinoceros.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a class of Pitṛis.
    -4 a mountain having one top.
    -शेपः a tree having one root.
    -शेषः 'the remainder of one', a species of Dvandva compound in which one of two or more words only is retained; e. g. पितरौ father and mother, parents, (= मातापितरौ); so श्वशुरौः, भ्रातरः &c.
    -श्रुत a. once heard. ˚धर a. keeping in mind what one has heard once.
    -श्रुतिः f.
    1 monotony.
    -2 the neutral accentless tone. (
    -ति) ind. in a monotonous manner.
    -श्रुष्टि a. Ved. obedient to one command.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-first.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-one. ˚तम a. sixty first.
    -संस्थ a. dwelling in one place; R.6.29.
    -सप्तत, ˚तितम् a. seventy-first.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-one.
    -सभम् a common place of meeting.
    -सर्ग a. closely attentive. (
    -र्गः) concentration.
    -सहस्रम् 11 or one thousand; वृषभैकसहस्रा गा दद्यात्सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.127.
    -साक्षिक a. witnessed by one.
    -सार्थम् ind. together, in one company.
    -सूत्रम् N. of a small double drum played by a string and ball attached to the body of it (Mar. डमरू).
    -स्तोमः N. of Soma ceremony.
    -स्थ a.
    1 being or centred in one place; in one man; ज्ञानमेकस्थमाचार्ये...... शौर्यमेकस्थमाचार्ये Mb.7.188.45. Ku. 1.49; हन्तैकस्थं क्वचिदपि न ते चण्डि सादृश्यमस्ति Me.16.
    -2 close-standing, standing side by side.
    -3 collected, combined.
    -स्थानम् one or the same place; एकस्थाने प्रसूते वाक् Pt.4.5.
    -2 Standing closely; विपक्षेणापि मरुता यथैकस्थानवीरुधः Pt.3.53.
    -हंसः the chief or highest Haṁsa (an allegorical designation of the soul). हिरण्मयः पुरुष एकहंसः Bṛi. Up.4.3.11.
    -हायन a. one year old; त्रस्तैकहायनकुरङ्गविलोलदृष्टिः Māl.4.8; U.3.28. (
    -नी) a heifer one year old. (
    -नम्) the period of one year.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लॄ _lॄ

  • 19 pot

    I 1. noun
    1) (cooking vessel) [Koch]topf, der

    go to pot(coll.) den Bach runtergehen (ugs.)

    2) (container, contents) Topf, der; (teapot, coffee-pot) Kanne, die

    a pot of tea — eine Kanne Tee; (in café etc.) ein Kännchen Tee

    3) (sl.): (prize) Preis, der
    4) (coll.): (large sum)

    a pot of/pots of — massenweise; jede Menge

    2. transitive verb,
    - tt-
    1) (put in container[s]) in einen Topf/in Töpfe füllen
    2) (put in plant pot)

    pot [up] — eintopfen

    3) (kill) abschießen; abknallen (ugs. abwertend)
    4) (Brit. Billiards, Snooker) einlochen
    II noun
    (sl.): (marijuana) Pot, das (Jargon)
    * * *
    [pot] 1. noun
    (any one of many kinds of deep container used in cooking, for holding food, liquids etc or for growing plants: a cooking-pot; a plant-pot; a jam-pot; The waiter brought her a pot of tea.) der Topf
    2. verb
    (to plant in a pot.) eintopfen
    - academic.ru/57113/potted">potted
    - pothole
    - pot-shot
    - take pot luck
    * * *
    n abbrev of potentiometer
    [pɒt, AM pɑ:t]
    n no pl (sl) Pot nt sl
    to smoke \pot Pot rauchen
    [pɒt, AM pɑ:t]
    I. n
    1. (for cooking) Topf m
    \pots and pans Töpfe und Pfannen
    2. (container) Topf m; (glass) Glas nt
    coffee \pot/tea \pot Kaffee-/Teekanne f, SCHWEIZ a. Kaffee-/Teekrug m
    jam/mustard \pot BRIT Marmeladen-/Senfglas nt
    paint \pot Farbtopf m
    3. (amount)
    a \pot of coffee/tea eine Kanne Kaffee/Tee
    make a fresh \pot [of tea] mach noch mal Tee
    two \pots of sour cream/yoghurt BRIT zwei Becher saure Sahne [o ÖSTERR Rahm] /Joghurt
    a \pot of moisturizing cream BRIT ein Tiegel m Feuchtigkeitscreme
    a \pot of paint BRIT ein Topf m Farbe
    4. (for plants) Blumentopf m
    terracotta \pot Terrakottatopf m
    5. (clay container) Keramikgefäß nt
    6. (sl: trophy) Pokal m
    7. ( fam: a lot)
    \pots pl jede Menge
    to have \pots of money steinreich sein, jede Menge [o massenhaft] Geld haben
    she's got \pots of money sie hat Geld wie Heu fam
    8. (potty) Töpfchen nt, Topf m
    10. esp BRIT (potshot) Schuss m aufs Geratewohl
    to take a \pot at sb/sth aufs Geratewohl auf jdn/etw schießen; ( fig) jdn/etw aufs Korn nehmen
    11. (in billiards, snooker) Stoß m; (in cards) Pott m; (jackpot) Topf m
    it's [a case of] the \pot calling the kettle black ein Esel schimpft den anderen Langohr
    to go to \pot ( fam) vor die Hunde gehen fam, auf den Hund kommen fam; country, economy, business den Bach runtergehen fam; hopes sich akk zerschlagen; plan ins Wasser fallen fig
    \pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ein unerfüllter Wunsch
    she's still searching for that \pot of gold sie jagt immer noch ihrem Traum hinterher
    to keep the \pot boiling sich/jdn über Wasser halten
    to let sth go to \pot etw verwildern lassen
    II. vt
    <- tt->
    to \pot sth [up] plants etw eintopfen [o in einen Topf pflanzen]; food etw in Töpfe [o einen Topf] füllen
    2. (shoot)
    to \pot sth etw abschießen [o fam abknallen
    3. SPORT (in billiards, snooker)
    to \pot the black/green die schwarze/grüne Kugel einlochen
    III. vi
    to \pot at sth auf etw akk schießen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Topf m; (= teapot, coffee pot) Kanne f; (dated = tankard) Krug m; (= lobster pot) Korb m; (= chimneypot) Kaminaufsatz m

    a pint pot — ≈ ein Humpen m

    2) (inf

    = large amount) to have pots of money/time — massenhaft (inf) or jede Menge (inf) Geld/Zeit haben

    3) (inf

    = important person) a big pot — ein hohes Tier (inf)

    4) (inf: marijuana) Pot nt (sl)
    5) (CARDS: pool) Topf m, Pott m
    6) (inf: prize, cup) Topf m (inf)
    7) (= potshot) Schuss m aufs Geratewohl
    8) (inf: potbelly) Spitzbauch m
    2. vt
    1) meat einmachen, einkochen; jam einfüllen
    2) plant eintopfen
    3) (= shoot) game schießen
    4) (BILLIARDS) ball einlochen
    5) (inf) baby auf den Topf setzen
    3. vi
    2) (inf: make pottery) töpfern (inf)
    * * *
    pot1 [pɒt; US pɑt]
    A s
    1. (Blumen-, Koch-, Nacht- etc) Topf m:
    set ( oder put) a child on the pot ein Kind aufs Töpfchen setzen;
    it’s (a case of) the pot calling the kettle black umg ein Esel schilt den andern Langohr;
    a) vor die Hunde gehen, auf den Hund kommen (Person),
    b) kaputtgehen (Sache),
    c) ins Wasser fallen (Pläne, Vorhaben etc);
    a) sich über Wasser halten,
    b) die Sache in Schwung halten;
    a pot of money sl ein Heidengeld;
    he has pots of money sl er hat Geld wie Heu
    2. a) Kanne f
    b) Bierkanne f, Bierkrug m
    c) Kännchen n, Portion f (Tee etc)
    3. TECH Tiegel m, Gefäß n:
    pot annealing Kastenglühen n;
    pot galvanization Feuerverzinkung f
    4. SPORT sl Pokal m
    5. Pot m, (Spiel)Einsatz m
    a) (eine) Reuse f
    b) Hummerkorb m, -falle f
    7. pot shot
    8. sl Pot n:
    a) Hasch n (Haschisch):
    smoke pot haschen, kiffen (beide sl)
    b) Grass n (Marihuana):
    smoke pot kiffen sl
    B v/t
    1. a) in einen Topf tun, Pflanzen eintopfen:
    potted plant Topfpflanze f
    b) (in einem Topf) kochen
    2. Fleisch einlegen, einmachen:
    potted meat Fleischkonserven pl;
    potted ham Büchsen-, Dosenschinken m
    3. umg ein Kind aufs Töpfchen setzen
    4. JAGD Wild abknallen sl
    5. umg einheimsen, erbeuten
    6. einen Billardball einlochen
    7. eine Keramik herstellen
    C v/i umg (los)ballern (at auf akk)
    pot2 [pɒt; US pɑt] s umg für potentiometer
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (cooking vessel) [Koch]topf, der

    go to pot(coll.) den Bach runtergehen (ugs.)

    2) (container, contents) Topf, der; (teapot, coffee-pot) Kanne, die

    a pot of tea — eine Kanne Tee; (in café etc.) ein Kännchen Tee

    3) (sl.): (prize) Preis, der
    4) (coll.): (large sum)

    a pot of/pots of — massenweise; jede Menge

    2. transitive verb,
    - tt-
    1) (put in container[s]) in einen Topf/in Töpfe füllen

    pot [up] — eintopfen

    3) (kill) abschießen; abknallen (ugs. abwertend)
    4) (Brit. Billiards, Snooker) einlochen
    II noun
    (sl.): (marijuana) Pot, das (Jargon)
    * * *
    Kanne -n f.
    Kessel - m.
    Kochtopf -¨e m.
    Topf ¨-e m.

    English-german dictionary > pot

  • 20 pour

    1. I
    1) don't go out, it is pouring не выходите, на улице льет как из ведра /ливень/
    2) who will pour? кто будет разливать чай?
    2. II
    pour in some manner pour incessantly (freely, rapidly, effusively, liberally, etc.) лить(ся) беспрестанно и т.д.; it is simply pouring идет очень сильный дождь; pour somewhere sunlight poured in в комнату лился солнечный свет; the audience (the passengers, the people, the crowds, etc.) poured out зрители и т.д. хлынули /повалили/ на улицу
    3. III
    pour smth. pour a glass of milk (a cup of tea, a kettle of water, a plate of soup, etc.) наливать стакан молока и т.д.; pour the metal лить металл
    4. V
    pour smb. smth. pour me a cup of coffee налейте мне чашку кофе; pour yourself another cup of tea налейте себе еще чашку чая
    5. XVI
    pour from /off/ smth. pour from the mountains (from the roof, from tile main artery, etc.) течь с гор и т.д.; the sweat was pouring from /off/ him с него градом катился пот; the crowd poured from the stadium after the game после матча толпа хлынула со стадиона; letters pour from all quarters письма сыплются /летят/ отовсюду; books of this kind have poured from the press in recent years книги такого рода за последние годы наводнили рынок; words (entreaties, imprecations, etc.) poured from his lips /from his mouth/ слова и т.д. посыпались с его уст; pour into (out of) smth. pour into the cellar (into the valley, into the narrow passage, etc.) (на)литься в подвал и т.д.; rivers (streams) pour into the bay (into the sea) реки (потоки) впадают в залив (в море); smoke (vapours, fumes, etc.) poured into the street дым и т.д. валил /вырывался/ на улицу; people (tourists, crowds, etc.) poured into a park (into a big city, into the country, into London, etc.) народ и т.д. хлынул /повалил/ в парк и т.д.; salt (sand, etc.) poured out of the bag соль и т.д. сыпалась /высыпалась/ из мешка; pour over smth. flood waters poured over the embankments воды, вышедшие из берегов реки, затопили набережную; pour down smth. pour down the stairs (down a slope, down a shaft, etc.) хлынуть вниз по лестнице и т.д.; tears were pouring down her cheeks слезы катились по ее щекам; pour through smth. the flock of sheep poured through the gate стадо овец хлынуло в ворота; sunlight pours through the window через окно в комнату льется солнечный свет
    6. XVIII
    pour oneself into smth. pour itself into the sea (into the ocean, etc.) впадать в море и т.д.
    7. XXI1
    pour smth. for smb. pour a cup of coffee for him (some milk for the children, a glass of water for the stranger, etc.) налить ему чашку кофе и т.д.; pour smth. from /out of/ smth. pour wine from a bottle (milk from a pitcher, tea from a cup, water out of the vessel, etc.) наливать /выливать/ вино из бутылки и т.д.; pour smth. into (out of /from/) smth. pour water into a basin (wine into a bottle, a liquid into a glass, it into a vessel, etc.) наливать или выливать воду в таз и т.д.; pour the coffee out of the saucepan into the jug перелить кофе из кастрюли в кувшин; she poured milk from the bottle into the glasses она разлила молоко из бутылки в стаканы /по стаканам/; pour smth. into a mould наливать что-л. в форму; pour one's sorrows into smb.'s heart изливать кому-л. свой печали и горести; pour smth. on /over/ smth., smb. pour water on a plant (some sauce on the meat, etc.) поливать растение [водой] и т.д.; pour coal on the fire подсыпать /подбросить/ угля в огонь; pour gifts (blessings) on smb. осыпать кого-л. подарками (благодеяниями); pour cold water over smb. (over smb.'s enthusiasm, etc.) вылить ушат холодной воды на кого-л. и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > pour

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